17 Apr, 2024

SkyCity Entertainment Puts Jason Walbridge at the Helm

SkyCity Entertainment announced the official appointment of Jason Walbridge as the company’s new chief executive officer. The new hire will leverage over 20 years of experience to underpin the company’s growth amid regulatory trouble. As announced by SkyCity, Walbridge boasts an impressive track record and is currently sitting on the boards of several noteworthy companies. […]

2 mins read

Entain’s Q1 Results Reveal Growing Challenges and Emerging Opportunities

In its recent trading update, global gambling giant Entain showcased resilience as it reported a year-on-year rise in revenue for the first quarter despite facing declines in the UK and Ireland markets. The company’s performance underscores its strategic successes but also highlights ongoing challenges in navigating evolving industry dynamics and regulatory pressures. Many Regions Showed […]

3 mins read

Netherlands MPs Vote on Banning Online Slots

In a significant legislative move, the Dutch House of Representatives has cast a decisive vote to prohibit online gambling advertising and ban online slot games, which have been classified as ‘high risk’ due to their addictive potential. This decision underscores a growing commitment within Dutch policy to tackle the challenges posed by gambling and its […]

8 mins read